![]() | 公司簡介深圳市福达嘉盛塑料有限公司主要经营挤压产品:LED PC灯罩、路轨胶条,ABS、PS、PP、PE、PET、AS不同材质管材,艺术吸管、吸管杯等塑料制品,产品具有强大的工业设计能力。 公司多年来以质量改革为导向,立志成为同行企业中的顶端企业。公司秉持质量先行,改良制胜的理念,高度重视产品质量和改善,追求为广大客户提供优质的服务。 精益求精的产品质量 为确保产品质量,公司高度重视生产技术投入和质量管理,力求每一件产品都成为完美的艺术品。公司拥有国内一流的先进设施设备,并常年保持连续、充足的维护和技改投入,确保硬件的可靠性和先进性与先进的研发设计齐头并进。公司拥有一支技术纯熟、经验丰富、精诚敬业的生产和技术队伍,这是驾驭先进的设施设备,制造完美产品的根本保障。公司引进计算机化的管理系统,令公司拥有一整套高效规范的生产制度,计算机化的管理系统使得精干的生产技术队伍和先进的设施设备配合得天衣无缝。迅速崛起的市场地位 公司以信誉第一为原则,高度重视与各方合作共赢。近年来,公司与众多家世界知名的企业合作,以良好的信誉深受合作伙伴信赖,树立起了良好的企业形象。公司的成功离不开公司全体员工的努力工作,离不开广大客户对公司产品的信赖和支持。公司上下员工将众志成城,齐心协力,愿为广大客户和消费者奉献更多更优秀的产品。 欢迎各界朋友莅临深圳市福达嘉盛塑胶有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。Company ProfileOur company is a specialized manufacturer of the artistic straws, plastic profile, LED lamp tube, different plastic molding products (such as pipe, sheet, stick, etc.) and so on for over ten years. We have always been improving ourself to adopt the latest technologies in the industry. On the technology, we established a strong team of our R&D and Quality Control systems in order to reinforce our competition. And we've also passed CE and ROHS for our total series products. We believe it is the only way to ensure our offering of the best products in the market. Of course, another important factor for our success is our intention to set up a solid relationship with our customers, you. No product will be a success unless it is made according to what exactly the market wants. Therefore, a close communication with our customers is very important for our product development. We would like to set up not merely a "buy and sell" relationship but also a strategic partnership. We are sincerely welcome you to visit our factory with your convenient time. |